
06. March 2016

Across Generations

Polish Art in Marl


Art from Poland has been present in exhibition places for a number of years, in Germany, in Europe and beyond. That is only too understandable, as the current Polish scene is very lively and well represented on the art market. Nevertheless, there is still a lot to discover.

The starting point for the exhibition at Skulpturenmuseum Glaskasten Marl is a small group of sculptures from the Werner Jerke collection, by Katarzyna Kobro and Alina Szapocznikow, among others. The middle generation is represented by two protagonists who play an important role in contemporary Polish art: Józef Robakowski and Ryszard Wasko, who both studied at the State University of Film, Television and Theater in Lódz in the 1970s and were also at the same time members of the influential Warsztat Formy Filmowej / Workshop of the Film Form. In the exhibition they stand next to artists of the younger generation such as Marlena Kudlicka, Agnieszka Polska, Krystian Czaplicki Truth or Wilhelm Sasnal, who take up conceptual or constructive inventions and reassemble them individually.

The exhibition on Polish art in Marl is part of a joint initiative with which the Kunstmuseum Bochum, the Kunsthalle Recklinghausen and the Skulpturenmuseum Glaskasten Marl as well as the private "Museum Jerke", which will opened on April 24th, 2016 in Recklinghausen with a top-class collection of modern Polish art.