
20. September 2017

Learning from Marl? THE HOT WIRE: Time for a factual reflection.

The Münster-Marl connection, did it work? Art in public space - a project between success and failure.

Invitation to the balance sheet discussion in "Marschall 66" on September 20, 2017 6.30pm: Georg Elben, director of the Skulpturenmuseum Marl and the curatorial team of sculpture projects Münster 2017, Britta Peters, Marianne Wagner, and Till Briegleb, architecture and art -expert, art critic of the Süddeutsche Zeitung
Moderation: Claudia Dichter, WDR Cologne
With Westphalian Marl Westphalian Münster and its sculpture projects have successfully expanded their object of investigation - the city in the Ruhr area offers an exciting counterpoint with its very own tradition for art in public space. Marl marks the interface between the Ruhr and Westphalia / Münsterland in a topographical as well as sociographic manner - the monuments of a visionary building culture can still be experienced there.
10 days before the end of both parts of the sculpture projects in Münster and Marl the various actors are now facing a critical discussion:
  • Double presence - double effort: What is the balance of the ambitious shoulder closure?
  • Rich Münster - poor Marl: How one-sided was the medial confrontation and presentation?
  • Transfer or refuse: How did the visitors react? And like the artists?
  • Learning to live with art: How to deal constructively with vandalism? How to preserve art in public space?
  • Unique or sustainable: What can both partners learn from each other?
We look forward to seeing you there. Admission is free.
6.30 pm "Marschall 66" / former school on Kampstraße 8