Guided Tours

Free public guided tours
Free public guided tours around the museums' public and site-specific art will start every Sunday at 11:30 am. Meeting point is the artwork Non Violence by Carl Fredrik Reuterswärd right at the start of Creiler Platz.
In addition, we offer a free guided tour every Sunday at 3:30 pm around Marl-Hüls - the new neighborhood of the Skulpturenmuseum. Meeting point is in front of the temporary museum at Georg-Herwegh-Straße 67.
Registration in advance via 02365 992257 or for the tour in the city center is necessary. If you are interested in a guided tour in English, please contact us in advance.

Group Tours/Private Tours
Of course, you can also book guided tours with us beyond the public guided tours. These can be tours of the temporary exhibition, the stock, the outdoor area, the Paracelsus clinic or the sculpture park of the museum. These tours cost 100€ / 90 - 120 min.
For school classes, kindergartens and universities, these tours are free of charge.
Please contact:
+ 49(0)2365 992257 or +49(0)2365992661