Kids Workshops

Catching the sun: Photography without a camera? How does that work?
The Skulpturenmuseum Marl invites children and young people aged 10 to 16 to capture the summer sun and its shadows together with art educators Fionnuala Maher-Rieck and Lina Ecker. For example, we will collect plants and industrial objects from our everyday lives and use them to create surprising and high-contrast photographic images. For this we will learn and use the cyanotype - an old photographic technique from which blue and white color prints are developed without a camera. No previous knowledge is required.
3 days in a row:
13.08.2024: 2.00-5.00 p.m.
14.08.2024: 2.00-5.00 p.m.
15.08.2024: 2.00-5.00 p.m.
maximum 10 participants
free of charge; ongoing course, no individual appointments possible
Location: Martin Luther-King-Schule, Georg-Herwegh-Str. 67 (old building), 45772 Marl
Registrations only during opening hours at the Skulpturenmuseum: Tel.: 02365-992257 (except Mondays).

The Skulpturenmuseum Marl invites children and young people aged 8-14 to explore local sculptures together with artist Christa Appel. Together we will explore what stories they tell or could tell in the city. Anything is possible and nothing has to be perfect! We will then develop our own stories and create our own sculptures, a stage set, costumes or even a performance to bring the stories to life. You decide in which direction it goes!
2 event blocks:
1st event block
Thu, 17.10. 11am-2pm
Fri. 18.10. 11am-2pm
2nd event block
Thu. 24.10. 11am-2pm
Fri. 25.10. 11am-2pm
maximal 10 Teilnehmer
entgeltfrei; fortlaufender Kurs, keine Einzeltermine möglich
Ort: Martin Luther-King-Schule, Georg-Herwegh-Str. 67 (Altbau), 45772 Marl
Anmeldungen nimmt ausschließlich das Skulpturenmuseum Marl telefonisch entgegen:
Tel.: 02365-992257 (außer montags).