

Free public tours

Free, public tours about art in the public space in the city-center of Marl continue to take place every Sunday at 11:30 a.m. The meeting point is the work Non Violence by Carl Fredrik Reuterswärd at Creiler Platz.

Thematic tours of the changing exhibition at the museum and in the Marl-Hüls district also take place at our temporary location every Sunday at 3.30 p.m. The meeting point for this is the temporary museum at Georg-Herwegh-Straße 63-67.

Prior registration on 02365 992257 or fuehrungen@marl.de is required for the Sunday tour in the city center. 




The project Marschall 66

Transparent, with lots of glass for views in and out of the building, accessible and elegant: Marschall 66 was to be integrated as a new cultural center and with its conception as a "third place" in the center of Marl. A meeting place with a special quality - art institution and educational institution at the same time - for everyone in the city and of national importance. You can read about the latest media reports on the planned Marschall 66, in which the Skulpturenmuseum will also find its new home, here.


Sculpture tour via Bycicle

For many, the Marl Center with the town hall towers is itself a total work of art. There, in particular, around the sculpture museum and the city lake, there are many works of art from the city's rich collection. But do you also know the hidden art locations? What else is it that makes Marl so special? Let's cycle around the city and discover together all those hidden treasures!


Sculpture in Marl

The Marl city centre is home to an unusual density of high-class works of art. Many of the residents of Marl have grown up with the sculptures, which have been a constant presence in the city since the early 1960s, long before the Skulpturenmuseum was founded in 1982. Some of the works were even purchased before the Rathaus was built from 1960 through 1967. A whole series of sculptures came to Marl as a result of the legendary ‘Kunst und Skulptur’ exhibitions in 1970 and 1972. The open-air presentation was revolutionary for the time, and when they concluded, the works were purchased by the city. This group also includes ‘Naturmaschine’, by Brigitte und Martin Matschinsky-Denninghoff (1969), certainly one of the most popular sculptural works in the city. Generations of children have climbed around on the work. Passing by and seeing children play on it today reminds many residents of Marl of their own childhood.