10. September 2022
In C - Marler Partitur - A project by Sasha Waltz for the city of Marl in cooperation with Skulpturenmuseum Marl – created as part of the initiative of Neue Auftraggeber
10th September 2022 at1 pm at the Scharounschule // 11th September 2022 at 5 pm at the Forum in Marl
With the piece In C - Marler Partitur by the internationally renowned artist Sasha Waltz, Marl becomes the scene of a unique experiment in which an entire city is included in a choreography and thus experiences itself as a community that transcends all borders and barriers. More than 120 dancers and people from the audience form a procession and move in a spiral towards the city center. The movement begins on Saturday, September 10th. at 1 p.m. at the Scharounschule and ends with a joint performance by all participants, including amateurs and dancers from the company Sasha Waltz & Guests, on Sunday, September 11. at 5 p.m. at the forum in Marl.
The project was initiated by a group of citizens who have been committed to the preservation of outstanding buildings in their city for many years. As a lesson learned from the National Socialist dictatorship, democratic model architecture was created in Marl after the war. The Marler Initiative turned to the network of Neue Auftraggeber and, in the course of a multi-year collaboration, was able to win over Sasha Waltz for the project of reviving the democratic spirit of departure of the post-war years with artistic means.
The piece is based on Terry Riley's composition In C (1964). The composer had specified musical elements in his composition, but left it up to the musicians when to play together synchronously or when to repeat phrases at their own discretion. Sasha Waltz' choreography »In C« follows this principle. Its 53 choreographic figures can also overlap and shift without ever losing sight of the togetherness. Sasha Waltz developed a variation of her choreography for Marl, the Marler Partitur. The figures can be practiced in whole or in part by amateur groups.
In C – Marler Partitur, a physical feeling for the overall context should develop in the urban structure that once grew together from different villages. The urban society can experience itself in harmony regardless of language, origin and social background and experience the power of polyphony as a common practice.
We cordially invite you to experience this experiment in Marl and get to know a piece without hierarchies, which wants to exclude nobody and strengthen democracy by translating cooperation and living together from an abstract thought into a physical experience.
In C – Marler Partitur
A project by Sasha Waltz for the city of Marl
in cooperation with Skulpturenmuseum Marl
– created as part of the initiative of Neue Auftraggeber
first performance on 10th & 11th September 2022
Marler Initiative: Dr. Hannelore Apitzsch, Werner Eisbrenner, Monika Kaczerowski, Kurt Langer, Heidi Pfeifer, Irene Rasch-Erb, Rolf Schumann(†), Brigitte Schumann-Knauff, Dr. Ulrich Spies, Karin Wagner and Paul Wagner
A project by Neue Auftraggeber in cooperation with Skulpturenmuseum Marl
Funded by the Federal Cultural Foundation, the city of Marl, the Kultursekretariat NRW Gütersloh, the Kluth Foundation for Youth and Culture and Evonik Industries AG