26. March 2024
Workshop for children and young people

The Skulpturenmuseum invites children and young people aged 10 to 16 to create a large “wall mosaic” from individual linocut prints together with the artist Christoph Kummerow. It is not only the respective individual image that is important here, but only the compilation of all the resulting images makes the work of art complete. Prior knowledge is not required.
3 x days in a row, 2 - 5 p.m.
starting 26th March 2023
maximum of 10 participants
26.03.2024: 2 -5 p.m.
27.03.2024: 2 -5 p.m.
28.03.2024: 2 -5 p.m.
free of charge; Ongoing course, no individual appointments possible
Location: Martin Luther King School, Georg-Herwegh-Str. 67 (old building), 45772 Marl
Registrations only during opening hours at the Skulpturenmuseum: Tel.: 02365-992257 (except Mondays).